13:30 : mbuf |
13:30 : |
Roll call please
13:30 : storymode7 |
Mayank Singhal
13:30 : rajan |
Rajan Choudhary
13:30 : callowidealist |
Jitendra Kumar Tripathi
13:30 : sahil_ |
13:30 : pr97 |
Priyanka Sharma
13:30 : sehenazparvin |
Sehenaz Parvin
13:30 : ash_mishra |
Ashish Kumar Mishra
13:30 : AdityaPatil |
Aditya Patil
13:30 : ananyo |
Ananyo Maiti
13:30 : Sarques_ |
Gajendra Saraswat
13:30 : priyankasaggu119 |
Priyanka Saggu
13:30 : adityad97 |
Aditya Deshpande
13:30 : shadowroot |
Abhay Singh
13:30 : jeet__ |
Amitrajit Bose
13:30 : smule_ |
Shital Mule
13:30 : tatan_ |
Kazi Mehboob Zaman
13:30 : GeekyShacklebolt |
Shiva Saxena
13:30 : vshuklajr |
Vivek Shukla
13:30 : Saksham_19o9 |
Saksham Srivastava
13:30 : yesh |
Yesh Pareek
13:30 : tnitave |
Tushar Nitave
13:30 : pdas |
Priyam das
13:30 : sourabh1031 |
Sourabh Pruthi
13:30 : newrg |
Rajat Gupta
13:30 : bismi |
Janifa M
13:30 : anuja_111 |
Anuja Kulkarni
13:30 : akshayg96 |
Akshay Gaikwad
13:30 : schubisu |
Robin Schubert
13:30 : mzeeqazi |
Muhammad Zeeshan Qazi
13:30 : yolossn |
Santhosh Nagaraj
13:30 : FARHAN |
13:30 : kps_ |
Karan Pratap
13:30 : kvy |
kumar vipin yadav
13:30 : Ved_Sinha |
Ved Sinha
13:30 : gutsytechster |
Prashant Sharma
13:30 : rishibit |
Rishikesh Bamdale
13:30 : cypher_ |
Naman Sharma
13:30 : codejacker |
ankur vishwakarma
13:30 : ankit774 |
Ankit Upadhyay
13:30 : brute4s99 |
Piyush Aggarwal
13:31 : AnantaOne1 |
Ananta Anil Shahane
13:31 : snandi |
shamik nandi
13:31 : Casper_01[m] |
Mayur khomane
13:31 : BhaveshSGupta[m] |
Bhavesh Gupta
13:31 : bhavin192 |
Bhavin Gandhi
13:31 : skat-sd |
Saikat Dey
13:31 : rohanvivek |
Rohan Vivek
13:31 : arpana |
Arpana Debnath
13:31 : Aironly |
13:31 : mbuf |
Today will be a review session. I had given homework to all of you to read on communication guidelines and mailing list etiquette. If you have any questions on the same, we shall start with them first.
13:32 : |
Or, if you do not understand a specific topic, I can go through the same with you today.
13:32 : Rakshit__ |
Rakshit Airani
13:32 : ankit774 |
13:32 : mbuf |
This will be the first part of today's session. If you wish to ask, please use "!".
13:32 : |
13:32 : RatanShreshtha |
Ratan Kulshreshtha
13:32 : DELL_ |
Anshuman Gaur
13:33 : ankit774 |
mbuf, does these guidelines only apply for mailing list or even for single to single communication?
13:34 : napstar |
Avinash Kumar
13:34 : meanjeet |
Manjeet Mehta
13:34 : accakks |
Aakanksha Jain
13:34 : bismi |
13:34 : mbuf |
ankit774, primarily, these guidelines are meant for mailing lists
13:34 : zappy |
what class do we have today?
13:35 : ankit774 |
also what is digest mode and how to bypass the attachment problem?
13:35 : VirtualRcoder |
Shubham Sharma
13:35 : mbuf |
ankit774, but, conceptl like "Writing in full", "avoiding dots" apply to any form of communication
13:35 : sourabh1031 |
13:36 : mbuf |
*concepts; in written form typing in CAPS is also discouraged
13:36 : |
zappy, please use "!" to ask a question, and wait for your turn
13:36 : |
ankit774, mailing lists have the option of sending e-mail as and when it is received, or they can send you a summary (digest) of all the e-mails once a week
13:36 : zappy |
13:37 : mbuf |
ankit774, people who do not check e-mails regularly, may want to just read all the discussions once per week
13:37 : vishalIRC |
roll call: Vishal Kushwaha
13:37 : mbuf |
ankit774, but, when they reply to a particular e-mail, they need to ensure, they remove all the other e-mails and reply to only what is relevant
13:38 : |
ankit774, there are third-party services to upload code, images instead of sending an attachment; so, use them wisely
13:38 : |
ankit774, to avoid attachments
13:38 : |
13:38 : bismi |
I understood what is top and bottom posting(concepts), but don't know how to top post. I meant which option to use?
13:38 : ankit774 |
mbuf, thanks
13:38 : bismi |
Sory how to bottom post
13:39 : mbuf |
bismi, we now have this documentation https://summertraining.readthedocs.io/en/latest/communication.html#do-not-write-html-emails
13:39 : bismi |
Ok, I will go through it and ask if anything
13:39 : mbuf |
bismi, if you see in the "top post reply", the reply has come above the previously sent e-mail (this is top-posting, and should not be followed)
13:40 : |
bismi, in the inline reply, the reply is below the quoted text; just as how you will reply your answer below a question (and not above)
13:40 : |
13:40 : sourabh1031 |
What is the need of signature.asc?
13:40 : mbuf |
sourabh1031, it is the PGP signature to verify the authenticity of the e-mail
13:41 : |
sourabh1031, learn to use a search engine for such questions
13:41 : sourabh1031 |
13:41 : mbuf |
sourabh1031, always first use a search engine (like DuckDuckGo) and look for answers; if you are still not satisfied, then you should ask in the channel
13:41 : |
sourabh1031, see, for example, https://www.thelounge.net/signature.asc.what.htm
13:41 : rajan |
13:41 : mbuf |
13:41 : napstar |
Can anybody tell me the topic for today's session?
13:41 : snandi |
13:41 : mbuf |
napstar, use "!", and wait for your turn
13:42 : homuncculus |
Vaibhav Kaushik, sorry I'm late
13:42 : mbuf |
13:42 : rajan |
Why not use google? Apart from the fact that google tracks you and stores your info.
13:43 : napstar |
13:43 : mbuf |
rajan, in F/OSS we care a lot of privacy and security; so, we recommend not using such services
13:43 : |
13:43 : d3vil0p3r |
13:43 : mbuf |
13:44 : homuncculus |
What's the topic today?
13:44 : VirtualRcoder |
Roll call: Shubham Sharma
13:44 : pr97 |
13:44 : mbuf |
homuncculus, use "!" and wait for your turn
13:44 : napstar |
what is the topic today?
13:44 : uniquerockrz |
13:45 : mbuf |
napstar, today's session is a review session; we will have these sessions periodically for many reasons
13:45 : |
napstar, it gives you some time to catch-up with your homework, reading, exercises etc. and come back to us, to ask more questions
13:45 : rohanvivek |
13:45 : mbuf |
napstar, since, different people work at different speeds, this is like a buffer zone
13:45 : napstar |
13:46 : mbuf |
napstar, also, we will get to hear from you on your first few days in the training, to see how you are all progressing, and what we can do more
13:46 : |
napstar, today, we are reviewing the communication guidelines and mailing list etiquette homework
13:46 : |
13:46 : d3vil0p3r |
We're instructed to use Fedora despite it being cutting edge. Any reasons for that? Why not Ubuntu?
13:46 : Rakshit__ |
13:46 : mbuf |
d3vil0p3r, I am okay if you use any *nix distribution
13:47 : |
d3vil0p3r, I do not have a preference; there are many Fedora users here, so they, might be able to help you
13:47 : d3vil0p3r |
Got that! Thanks
13:47 : mbuf |
d3vil0p3r, but, it is important to use the latest distribution, so that, you get all the security packages and latest bug fixes
13:47 : CodeMonk_19 |
13:47 : mbuf |
13:47 : pr97 |
How it is sure that DuckDuckGo don't tracks and stores our info ?
13:47 : ankit774 |
13:47 : mbuf |
d3vil0p3r, distro choice is a personal preference, just like ice-cream
13:48 : d3vil0p3r |
@mbuf Indeed. got that
13:48 : rishibit |
13:48 : mbuf |
d3vil0p3r, it is the people behind the projects and companies that matter; if they stand by what they believe in, it will reflect in their work
13:48 : |
d3vil0p3r, it is a culture thingy, just like F/OSS
13:49 : d3vil0p3r |
mbuf yep, I thought there was some other matter behind that recommendation. I've just heard that cutting edge is less stable that's why questioned!
13:49 : newrg |
13:50 : mbuf |
d3vil0p3r, are you studying?
13:50 : |
13:50 : d3vil0p3r |
@mbuf yes. Gonna promote to third year.
13:50 : mbuf |
d3vil0p3r, as a student, you should not be afraid to experiment; otherwise, you will not learn
13:50 : d3vil0p3r |
mbuf that's true. Got the whole point. Thank you :)
13:50 : mbuf |
13:51 : |
13:51 : kvy |
d3vil0p3r, You can tag someone without using @ symbol. :)
13:51 : Rakshit__ |
what are your thoughts on startpage.com as a google search alternative ?
13:52 : mbuf |
Rakshit__, no idea on that; sorry
13:52 : |
13:52 : d3vil0p3r |
@kvy do operators have that '@' prefix before their pseudonym ?
13:52 : CodeMonk_19 |
i am facing trouble installing hexchat on fedora 27.
13:53 : |
i typed dnf install hexchat and now its just blank screen
13:53 : mbuf |
CodeMonk_19, so, you have to write better than that; 1. How did you try to install? 2. What error/output did you get?
13:53 : |
CodeMonk_19, use pastebin and provide the output of "dnf install hexchat"
13:54 : |
CodeMonk_19, you are studying too?
13:54 : zappy |
13:54 : jeet__ |
13:54 : mbuf |
CodeMonk_19, as an engineer, we need to give as much info as possible, when raising question, so that others can help you
13:54 : |
13:54 : ankit774 |
could anyone please update the calendar depending on the syllabus and review sessions? I know that we are to attend all sessions but I feel that depending on the topic of the discussion, I can chose whether to attend it or not, so that I can use my time efficiently! Like if I am not having any doubt, then I shouldn't waste my time on a 2 hour long review session, instead I can go through the logs afterwards at a glance.
13:54 : kvy |
d3vil0p3r, That will appear in webchat, It repersent the operators but to tag them in chat just type there name.
13:54 : CodeMonk_19 |
its in the next like. i used terminal to install it. i typed the command. i'll revert with the output. and yes, i am a first year student.
13:55 : |
13:55 : zappy |
13:55 : mbuf |
CodeMonk_19, okay; work on your communication; as much as we teach technical skills, we also want you to hone your soft skills
13:55 : d3vil0p3r |
kvy okay, that was a confusing :D
13:55 : rE-BoOt |
13:56 : mbuf |
ankit774, the point of a community is not to assume it is not useful; review sessions help both experienced users and newcomers to connect and learn from each other
13:56 : |
13:56 : rishibit |
mbuf, Why top-posting is bad?
13:56 : CodeMonk_19 |
sure, i try my best. i'll keep trying to improve.
13:56 : kvy |
d3vil0p3r, yep but see this time you do not use @ and able to tag me. :)
13:56 : ankit774 |
mbuf, ok
13:56 : Ved_Sinha |
13:56 : avik |
CodeMonk_19, you can use Ctrl+C to stop the operation and restart!
13:57 : mbuf |
rishibit, if you participate in long conversations, people expect the reply to be in the bottom, but, they scroll all the way down to realise the person top-posted; also, it unnecessarily repeats the same text
13:57 : schubisu |
kvy, d3vil0p3r please continue that conversation in private or after the session
13:57 : d3vil0p3r |
kvy yep, was experimenting the same with mbuf :D
13:57 : mbuf |
rishibit, if you want to follow a dialogue, it is better to have a Q&A
13:57 : |
rishibit, if you see some of the bugzilla issues, you will see that they are pleasant to read
13:57 : |
rishibit, as engineers, we are only interested in the technical details; and how the conversation is progressing
13:58 : |
rishibit, repeating the same info is not useful information
13:58 : |
13:58 : |
13:58 : rishibit |
mbuf, Got it, Thank You :)
13:58 : newrg |
Can we interject with our opinion/point during somebody else's question/discussion or ask for turn?
13:59 : mbuf |
newrg, we don't just want you to come for an hour or two hour session every day; the point of a community is that you interact in this channel during other hours as well
13:59 : |
newrg, we are not a purely technical group, so you will see people participating in other discussions during the day as well
13:59 : CodeMonk_19 |
avik, thanks it started downloading
13:59 : mbuf |
newrg, the more friends you make, the more helpful they are in your professional life
13:59 : avik |
no problem! i guess you should also use sudo or su!
14:00 : mbuf |
newrg, it doesn't matter whether it is just career advice, or personal advice; contacts with like-minding people can help you go a long way
14:00 : |
newrg, unfortunately, I do not see (yet) people discussing after the sessions on what they have learnt, or are there any other resources that they can use to learn more and explore
14:01 : |
newrg, every year when we start the training, there is no end date, because, learning is a continous process
14:01 : |
newrg, and people here continue to stay with us and grow professionally; we are a close knit community
14:01 : |
14:01 : jeet__ |
Asking out of curiosity, is 'batul' a queue data structure based chat-bot?
14:01 : newrg |
Thanks,I understand and will do better.I wanted to know the protocol during the session,if I have a relevant point,can I state it during your interaction with someone's else question or wait for when the session is over.
14:01 : mbuf |
jeet__, yes
14:01 : jeet__ |
Thanks. Wow :)
14:01 : mbuf |
jeet__, one of the thing it does is it queues people's "!"
14:02 : jeet__ |
And it analyses only the next as a string keyword right?
14:02 : mbuf |
jeet__, you should be able to find batul's source code in GitHub
14:03 : |
newrg, until you get a hang of all the sessions, please wait
14:03 : |
newrg, the speaker has things to discuss, so, you generally don't want to interrupt that; you can share your thoughts after the session
14:03 : |
newrg, you have 24-(1 or 2h) per day
14:03 : jeet__ |
mbuf, Can you please name the repository
14:03 : mbuf |
14:03 : newrg |
I understand.
14:03 : mbuf |
jeet__, ping sayan or kushal for batul's source code;
14:04 : schubisu |
jeet__, https://github.com/kushaldas/ircbot/
14:04 : kvy |
jeet__, https://github.com/kushaldas/ircbot
14:04 : mbuf |
For the second part of today's sessions, I want to hear from you on how have the first few days been in this training; please use "!" and wait for your turn
14:04 : |
14:04 : Ved_Sinha |
14:05 : mbuf |
14:05 : ankit774 |
14:05 : Ved_Sinha |
what is today's class about?
14:05 : mzeeqazi_ |
14:05 : mbuf |
Ved_Sinha, I already answered that. Can you scroll back and see my reply?
14:05 : |
14:05 : Ved_Sinha |
14:06 : ankit774 |
mbuf, good, but frankly it takes a lot more time than required to teach
14:06 : mbuf |
Ved_Sinha, 1. Questions on communication guidelines and mailing guidelines 2. Feedback
14:06 : |
ankit774, I will give you an analogy
14:07 : |
ankit774, all of you have joined a movie after the interval (or intermission)
14:07 : |
ankit774, so, you basically don't know what happened in the first half of the movie; so, everything is confusing and perplexed for you
14:07 : |
ankit774, similarly, F/OSS started a long time ago, and you are discovering it today
14:08 : |
ankit774, so, it will take some time for us to teach all that, and for you to learn
14:08 : bawdipooch_ |
14:08 : mbuf |
ankit774, there are many concepts which you may have to unlearn, before you start to learn
14:08 : d3vil0p3r |
14:08 : mbuf |
ankit774, so, we have to be very patient with you, and you also have to be very patient with yourself
14:08 : bismi |
14:08 : mbuf |
ankit774, as Rome was not built in a day, so are F/OSS engineers
14:08 : |
14:08 : ankit774 |
mbuf, yes that is also right
14:09 : mbuf |
ankit774, also, we want people to come with an attitude that there is always more to learn
14:09 : bawdipooch_ |
I want to become core linux os developer one day, how should i start to read
14:09 : mbuf |
ankit774, people who come with the mindset that they know everything, never really progress much in any field
14:09 : mzeeqazi_ |
I learned alot during the earlier session but it is too difficult to learn with lots of annoying disturbances(messages) in between the session
14:10 : mbuf |
bawdipooch_, go through our basic foundation training, and we have kernel developers in this channel
14:10 : bawdipooch_ |
mbuf, where can I find it
14:10 : mbuf |
bawdipooch_, when we feel you are ready to take the plunge, you can contact the mentors here
14:10 : |
mzeeqazi_, in this world there will always be noise
14:11 : bawdipooch_ |
mbuf, where can i find basic foundation training
14:11 : mbuf |
mzeeqazi_, we try to maintain a good signal-to-noise ratio in this channel
14:11 : vshuklajr |
14:11 : bhavin192 |
bawdipooch_, you are already doing it
14:11 : mbuf |
bawdipooch_, by attending our sessions
14:11 : kvy |
14:11 : mbuf |
mzeeqazi_, so, you should focus only on the useful signal, and ignore the noise
14:11 : bawdipooch_ |
mbuf, thanks will continue
14:11 : mbuf |
mzeeqazi_, it takes time,
14:11 : |
mzeeqazi_, bawdipooch_ be patient
14:11 : |
14:11 : |
14:12 : d3vil0p3r |
mbuf F/OSS or FLOSS?
14:12 : kps_ |
14:12 : ananyo |
14:12 : mbuf |
d3vil0p3r, you pick your choice; I am a Free Software person
14:12 : yolossn |
14:12 : mbuf |
14:12 : |
14:12 : bismi |
If I didn't attend the classes or read the logs, concepts like touch typing, top posting, IRC, bottom posting etc would be unfamiliar. So, happy that I am familiarizing with atleast one concept each day, and slowly improving.
14:12 : shreyas1496_ |
14:12 : d3vil0p3r |
mbuf okay!
14:12 : DELL_ |
14:12 : vshuklajr |
It's been good so far . I learnt some new this . Started using fedora which is cool .
14:13 : |
14:13 : |
14:13 : mbuf |
bismi, we start at a very slow pace, and that is intentional; we have survived over 10 years :)
14:13 : |
bismi, because our foundation principles are strong
14:13 : |
14:13 : kvy |
I learn a lot in a few days like How real-time discussion held where a hundreds of people come once and join,
14:14 : CodeMonk_19 |
14:14 : mbuf |
14:14 : kvy |
I lean how to work as a team,
14:14 : ananyo |
I really like the research, then ask philosophy used here. It really helps in long run. In practical use cases the ability to search your problem properly is the key to solving most of our problems. The online reading material provided are well documented. I really like the communication guidelines. I feel this needs to be taught in every software community.
14:14 : kvy |
I learn how to talk in a gentle way,
14:14 : kps_ |
The sessions have been pretty good, Ever since I learnt about FOSS, I started supporting this ideal and this training seems like a really cool place to give me a platform and a direction to my ambitions
14:14 : man-jain |
14:14 : kvy |
and how to communicate on IRC's.
14:14 : kps_ |
14:14 : schubisu |
d3vil0p3r, maybe this is interesting for you https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/floss-and-foss.en.html
14:15 : mbuf |
14:15 : |
You can also state anything that you didn't feel comfortable (not just positives!)
14:16 : |
We are quite transparent in our communication, and we are happy to discuss pros and cons, debate, and decide how to move forward
14:16 : |
14:16 : yolossn |
I found the session interesting,got to know about IRC in general and how to interact in such an environment.
14:17 : mbuf |
14:17 : shreyas1496_ |
The sessions have been helpful. Thank you for that. I have a question. I have read the mbuf1st class document. I assume it was of around 2008-2009 era. I said to use plain text mail over html mail to save data. Now, after 10 years, internet has penetrated a lot deeper. Is plain text mail (or similar data saving workarounds) still followed in the F/OSS world?
14:17 : DELL_ |
MS quantum programing lang ?
14:17 : mbuf |
shreyas1496_, yes, plain text is still used a lot in mailing lists; the Linux kernel dev mailing list is the most active (for example)
14:18 : |
shreyas1496_, there are more issues with HTML e-mail, that have been discovered recently; please see https://summertraining.readthedocs.io/en/latest/communication.html#do-not-write-html-emails
14:18 : |
DELL_, sorry, what is your question?
14:18 : shreyas1496_ |
mbuf, thanks
14:19 : mbuf |
14:19 : |
14:19 : |
People need to improve their typing speed :)
14:19 : ananyo |
14:19 : mbuf |
Need to learn to do touch-typing.
14:19 : |
14:20 : |
14:20 : ananyo |
I feel if we can preserve the links for future usage it will be really helpful. Its hard to find them in logs later
14:20 : jeet__ |
I am storing them. If you need I can share them. :)
14:20 : mbuf |
ananyo, We generally don't look for better formatting, because, we value the content more than the presentation
14:20 : kvy |
ananyo, There is a link collector in Hexchat.
14:21 : brute4s99 |
jeet__ i recently coded batul in python3. You can check out my repository at https://github.com/brute4s99/pythonista/ to read the source code !
14:21 : j605 |
ananyo: `cat log | xurls` to get all urls in a file. You could bookmark them as well
14:21 : kps_ |
ananyo, me too
14:21 : mbuf |
ananyo, so, you should see the old logs at https://dgplug.org/irclogs/
14:21 : |
ananyo, but, there is some effort to HTMLize the logs for reading
14:21 : ananyo |
j605, looks hacky :)
14:22 : mbuf |
ananyo, mostly in FLOSS, we do judge a person by the work they have done; not by how they look
14:22 : |
ananyo, you will learn more about the culture and how we roll as you participate in the sessions in the next couple of months
14:22 : |
14:22 : j605 |
ananyo: it is straight from yesterday's class. Use the right tools for the job. Plain text can be searched and indexed later on when necessary like how I showed you.
14:23 : ananyo |
mbuf, ok
14:24 : mbuf |
So, what I want you to do next is go through my second session mbuf_2ndclass.log at https://dgplug.org/irclogs/mbuf_2ndclass.log
14:24 : |
which talks about Free Software project guidelines, how to communicate with a mentor, how to work with a mentor etc.
14:25 : d3vil0p__ |
j605 ananyo, In case xurls is not installed, awk is pretty great!
14:25 : mbuf |
Did I tell you that I wrote a book on the same? http://www.shakthimaan.com/what-to-do.html
14:25 : |
Go through mbuf_2ndclass, and we will have a review session again
14:25 : kps_ |
mbuf, okay
14:26 : mbuf |
As I mentioned earlier, do not just login to IRC during the session timings; try to be present, so you get to make new friends, and learn from each other
14:26 : kvy |
mbuf, ok and didn't tell about book
14:27 : mbuf |
Someone asked if the training will help them get jobs in Google, Facebook etc. We are here to teach you basics and make your foundation stronger, so that, you can take up any work (academic/industry) or just contribute to FLOSS projects
14:27 : |
Yes, we have had participants get into GSoC and MNCs
14:28 : |
But, all these are just side-effects
14:28 : |
Your objective should be to learn continously, and job, money, fame will come automatically
14:28 : snandi |
mbuf http://www.shakthimaan.com/what-to-do.html this link is showing unable to connect problem on browser
14:28 : mbuf |
Any last minute questions?
14:28 : priyankasaggu119 |
14:28 : mbuf |
snandi, refresh, it works for me
14:28 : |
14:29 : priyankasaggu119 |
sir, I am facing problem in accessing this site on firefox
14:29 : |
sorry mbuf
14:29 : newrg |
snandi use http instead of https
14:29 : j605 |
snandi: you already had problems with mbuf's site earlier. Fix your issue since no one has it but you
14:29 : CodeMonk_19 |
14:29 : kvy |
sanandi use link with http insted of https
14:30 : |
priyankasaggu119, you also use http instead of https
14:30 : j605 |
priyankasaggu119: same issue as before. It is like some of you have the site pinned to https and browsers refusing to open the http version
14:30 : mbuf |
priyankasaggu119, as I mentioned, you are going to say a lot "sorry", "please", "thank you" and that is fine
14:30 : priyankasaggu119 |
kvy, i too have tried removing s but it itself at the end of http protocol when i press enter
14:30 : mbuf |
priyankasaggu119, it is part of the learning process
14:30 : priyankasaggu119 |
get appended*
14:31 : mbuf |
priyankasaggu119, it is still in my TODO list to switch my domain to HTTPS (but, it is still a read-only site)
14:31 : priyankasaggu119 |
ok mbuf, i am able to use it on chrome though.
14:31 : mbuf |
priyankasaggu119, good
14:31 : |
Another important point to remember is that if you get stuck, do not panic;
14:31 : sourabh1031 |
mbuf but why some are able to access but some not?
14:31 : snandi |
kvy I tried its redirectng it to https and i am using duckduckgo plugin in firfox
14:31 : sourabh1031 |
like me :)
14:32 : AdityaPatil |
priyankasaggu119, probably some addon is doing it. Maybe https everywhere
14:32 : mbuf |
You need to learn to debug and troubleshoot (as an engineer); this will help you to attack different problems that you face, not just professionally, but, also in your life
14:32 : priyankasaggu119 |
AdityaPatil, I will surely check for this point.
14:32 : storymode7 |
14:32 : mbuf |
sourabh1031, probably the browser is switching to use https
14:32 : |
14:32 : storymode7 |
Is there a way to denote that the current message is incomplete and will be continued in the next one? Like a "\"?
14:32 : kvy |
priyankasaggu119, snandi , you can use chrome our firefox is restricted so it will not open that link.
14:32 : CodeMonk_19 |
Can you suggest me any link to study terminal commands? I was not present yesterday but i went through the logs.
14:32 : storymode7 |
Sorry mbuf.
14:32 : mbuf |
storymode7, current message, where?
14:33 : sourabh1031 |
mbuf okay
14:33 : mbuf |
storymode7, if I only I got ice-cream for everytime people say "sorry" in this channel :)
14:33 : vshuklajr |
CodeMonk_19: https://lym.readthedocs.io/en/latest/startingcommands.html
14:33 : mbuf |
CodeMonk_19, the best book that I used to learn commands is "UNIX: Concepts & Applications" by Sumitabha Das
14:34 : j605 |
storymode7: just continue typing since enter will send the message
14:34 : CodeMonk_19 |
mbuf, thanks
14:34 : |
14:34 : storymode7 |
I meant that, if we are typing a long message, that will be distributed within subsequent messages, can we denote that the message is incomplete. Like we use a to denote end.
14:34 : mbuf |
CodeMonk_19, it has both commands and output, so that, you can try the commands on a system, while reading the book
14:34 : |
CodeMonk_19, you might also want to look at http://www.shakthimaan.com/misc/books.html (use http)
14:35 : |
storymode7, not required in a chat conversation, but, upto you
14:35 : |
14:35 : storymode7 |
mbuf, thanks!
14:35 : AdityaPatil |
storymode7, You should not post anything above 3 lines into IRC channel. If you have long message, use an online pasting service, and paste link into IRC channel.
14:35 : mbuf |
We are past the 1 hour mark
14:36 : |
Feel free to hang around after I end the class for any discussions
14:36 : |
We will end with the roll call
14:36 : CodeMonk_19 |
are terminal commands same across various flavours of linux?
14:36 : mbuf |
CodeMonk_19, You have the answer in the question
14:36 : |
CodeMonk_19, it depends on the "terminal" and its version release
14:37 : |
CodeMonk_19, bash, tcsh, zsh, ksh are examples
14:37 : CodeMonk_19 |
but most of them should work fine, shouldn't they?
14:37 : mbuf |
CodeMonk_19, you can start with LYM, and then proceed to Sumitabha Das's book
14:37 : CodeMonk_19 |
i meant the commands
14:37 : mbuf |
CodeMonk_19, as long as they don't deprecate the commands in subsequent releases
14:38 : kps_ |
mbuf, they are different variants of shells not terminals, right?
14:38 : mbuf |
CodeMonk_19, in embedded systems (using busybox), you will find stripped down versions of shells
14:38 : |
kps_, both
14:38 : brute4s99 |
14:38 : mbuf |
kps_, Konsole (KDE), mate-terminal, gnome-terminal etc.
14:38 : |
14:39 : j605 |
CodeMonk_19: it is what you install or what is available. Most unix programs are even available on windows so it can be used nearly everywhere.
14:39 : mbuf |
This will be the last question for the session
14:39 : kps_ |
14:39 : Ved_Sinha |
14:39 : ash_mishra |
kps_, for example I have zsh with guake terminal.
14:39 : brute4s99 |
so do I need to have a proect idea right away or do I need to connect to a mentor first and then discover my interests with him/her ?
14:39 : |
project* idea sorry
14:39 : mbuf |
brute4s99, maybe after a month or so; be patient
14:40 : CodeMonk_19 |
like branches in git with subsequent commits?
14:40 : mbuf |
brute4s99, we want you to get a feel of the ecosystem, before you delve into project work
14:40 : |
brute4s99, you have to tell us your interests; others' cannot
14:40 : CodeMonk_19 |
14:40 : mbuf |
brute4s99, we will discuss these after you have gone through mbuf_2ndclass
14:40 : |
14:40 : kps_ |
but talking on the very basic basis, terminal is just a computer or device which operates a shell, isn't it?
14:40 : mbuf |
14:41 : brute4s99 |
okay, thanks mbuf ! By the way, can we get a little intro of yours ? (out of curosity)
14:41 : mbuf |
kps_, it is the most powerful user interface with your computer
14:41 : Ved_Sinha |
14:41 : |
It was by mistake
14:41 : mbuf |
Ved_Sinha, no problem; I need to ask batul to keep track of the Sorry counts :)
14:41 : Ved_Sinha |
14:42 : |
batul keep count
14:42 : mbuf |
kps_, when people talk about user friendliness, they are misguided into thinking fancy UIs
14:42 : |
kps_, it is the opposite; the interface that gives you the most power when interacting with the system is the terminal
14:42 : |
kps_, that is why we want you to master it
14:42 : |
14:42 : brute4s99 |
14:43 : mbuf |
14:43 : kps_ |
mbuf, yes i love it actually, thanks
14:43 : brute4s99 |
can we get a little intro of yours ? (out of curosity)
14:43 : j605 |
I guess kps_ is talking about the original terminal, what we have are terminal emulators :)
14:43 : mbuf |
brute4s99, you can use a search engine for that
14:43 : |
brute4s99, I thought I told that in the last few days as well
14:43 : kps_ |
j605, exactly
14:43 : rajan |
Rajan Choudhary
14:44 : mbuf |
j605, sorry "original terminal"?
14:44 : |
j605, you mean tty1, tty2?
14:44 : Ved_Sinha |
14:44 : mbuf |
14:44 : j605 |
mbuf: terminals in the sense of old computers with only TTY
14:44 : kps_ |
i was asking that the commands depended on the shell variants and not the terminal emulator variant
14:44 : brute4s99 |
i'm sorry, i was asking for your introduction. How am I supposed to look for you over DuckDuckGo ?
14:44 : mbuf |
kps_, you can get that with Control+Alt+F1-F7 as well
14:45 : Ved_Sinha |
how much time is there left?
14:45 : mbuf |
brute4s99, search for "shakthimaan" or "Shakthi Kannan"
14:45 : |
Ved_Sinha, we can close the session for the day
14:45 : kps_ |
mbuf, yes i know about virtual terminals
14:45 : mbuf |
Roll call please
14:45 : storymode7 |
Mayank Singhal
14:45 : Sarques_ |
Gajendra Saraswat
14:45 : GeekyShacklebolt |
Shiva Saxena
14:45 : gutsytechster |
Prashant Sharma
14:45 : Aironly |
14:45 : ash_mishra |
Ashish Kumar Mishra
14:45 : priyankasaggu119 |
Priyanka Saggu
14:45 : smule_ |
Shital Mule
14:45 : cypher_ |
Naman Sharma
14:45 : ananyo |
Ananyo Maiti
14:45 : j605 |
Jagannathan Tiruvallur Eachambadi
14:45 : schubisu |
Robin Schubert
14:45 : bhavin192 |
Bhavin Gandhi
14:45 : Ved_Sinha |
Ved Sinha
14:45 : kvy |
kumar vipin yadav
14:45 : vshuklajr |
Vivek Shukla
14:45 : AdityaPatil |
Aditya Patil
14:45 : rishibit |
Rishikesh Bamdale
14:45 : brute4s99 |
Piyush Aggarwal
14:45 : snandi |
Shamik Nandi
14:45 : ankit774 |
Ankit Upadhyay
14:45 : tatan22 |
Kazi Mehboob Zaman
14:45 : shailesh14 |
Shailesh Chhabdiya
14:45 : adityad97 |
Aditya Deshpande
14:45 : CodeMonk_19 |
Saksham Srivastava
14:45 : vishalIRC |
Vishal Kushwaha
14:45 : gajanan_ |
Gajanan More
14:45 : yolossn |
santhosh nagaraj
14:45 : rajan |
Rajan Choudhary
14:45 : khomesh24 |
khomesh thakre
14:45 : yadnesh |
Yadnesh Kulkarni
14:45 : sourabh1031 |
Sourabh Pruthi
14:45 : kps_ |
but that's again using the terminal emulator for a particular shell variant
14:46 : pr97 |
Priyanka Sharma
14:46 : newrg |
Rajat Gupta
14:46 : sehenazparvin |
Sehenaz Parvin
14:46 : brute4s99 |
ok, thanks mbuf
14:46 : bismi |
Janifa M
14:46 : kps_ |
Karan Pratap
14:46 : zishanahmad |
zishan ahmad
14:46 : VirtualRcoder |
Shubham Sharma
14:46 : singha_ |
Ashwani singh
14:46 : ghubale |
ganesh hubale